The Knight Report by Stephen Knight
The Godless Spellchecker Podcast
Ep#183 - James Esses - Expelled for gender critical views

Ep#183 - James Esses - Expelled for gender critical views

This week on The Knight Tube, Stephen Knight (@Gspellchecker) welcomes James Esses (@JamesEsses). James was a trainee psychotherapist and children’s counsellor until he was expelled for publicly expressing his opinions on gender ideology and transitioning. James is now taking legal action against his former place of study on grounds of discrimination.

0:00 Start 0:17 About James and his background 1:41 What is Childline? 3:26 Where was James studying before being expelled? 4:41 When did James first start taking an interest in the issue of gender dysphoria? 6:59 What is ‘gender dysphoria’ 8:07 Gender dysphoria vs. social contagion 13:02 Parents with ‘trans babies’. 16:51 How do we separate the bigots from the genuine concerns? 20:25 James’s online petition to the UK government. 24:56 ‘Conversion therapy’ in the context of transgenderism 27:33 ‘Watchful waiting’: Do most people with gender dysphoria ‘desist’ if given time? 28:43 Getting expelled from his psychotherapy course. 30:59 Has academia been captured by gender ideology? 34:38 Taking legal action 38:02 Updates on the legal action 39:46 James’s relationship with his employer 41:26 Any precedents that provide hope for successful legal action? 43:47 Legal action as a last resort

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The Knight Report by Stephen Knight
The Godless Spellchecker Podcast
The Godless Spellchecker Podcast is an award winning weekly sceptical/atheistic show in a conversational, interview format hosted by Stephen Knight. We hear from leading public figures as well as people without a public profile that have equally valuable experiences and ideas to share. The goal is to amplify good ideas and scrutinise bad ones. The motto of the show is: "I think we've all learned something here today".