Jul 20Liked by Stephen Knight

Say it loud and say it frequently. It’s a travesty against women’s rights and children’s safety.

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Yes, as well as the most vicious anti gay movement since the Middle Ages. Very nearly all the kids subjected to this quackery and being dosed with cancer drugs - used off-label as "puberty blockers" and having well known, irreversible side effects - are simply pubescent gay kids who are badly confused or conflicted about their emerging same sex attractions. 𝘛𝘩𝘦𝘳𝘦'𝘴 𝘯𝘰𝘵𝘩𝘪𝘯𝘨 𝘸𝘳𝘰𝘯𝘨 𝘸𝘪𝘵𝘩 𝘵𝘩𝘦𝘴𝘦 𝘬𝘪𝘥𝘴 𝘵𝘩𝘢𝘵 𝘯𝘦𝘦𝘥𝘴 𝘵𝘰 𝘣𝘦 𝘧𝘪𝘹𝘦𝘥!

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Jul 20Liked by Stephen Knight

In addition to the insanity of men competing in women's sports and the mutilation of children in the pursuit of the unattainable, the issue of women’s privacy is equally troubling.

In my opinion the worst aspect of demented Joe Biden's new Education Act Title IX regulations that go into effect on August 1 of this year is that boys and men will be able to to shower with high school and college girls (including my 17 year old granddaughter).

They will have no shame in doing that when it's perfectly legal. If somehow he is allowed to continue to run he deserves to lose the election on this issue alone.

Here's an analysis of the new regulations by the Foundation Against Intolerance and

Racism (FAIR):

"The Final Rule is likely to result in sex-integration of all bathrooms and locker rooms because it prohibits discrimination on the basis of gender identity. After August 1st, if a school requires students to use facilities that align with their biological sex (which they are currently allowed to require under Federal law and regulations), a transgender student may file a discrimination complaint alleging that the school has violated Title IX by preventing him or her from using the bathroom that aligns with their gender."

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Since no one in their right mind believes these men are truly women, this is just a concerted effort on the part of democrats to provide men with a legal way to creep on naked women and underage girls. How any man with a wife, daughter, mother or sister thinks this should be the law going forward is beyond me.

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It is already the law in most blue states.

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Aren't we supposed to be for states rights?

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I'm for protecting women's rights in every state.


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Not signing anything that doesn't include reproductive freedom.

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My high school athlete daughters have experienced boys in the locker room and soccer field already though it’s been rare, courtesy of living in Texas. Another important aspect to consider is that boys don’t want girls in their locker rooms either. Parents of boys have been vocal about this as they know it’s only a matter of time before a boy is accused of something. Proper safeguarding protects everyone

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In Texas? This surely is a sign of The End! (Unless you're talking about Austin.)

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Great piece, except for this:

"Sane people understand that trans people must have the same rights as everyone else."

You need to be very clear on just what "the same rights as everyone else" means in practice. (Which you are in the rest of this piece, but not in this sentence.)

What a trans activist means by "trans people must have the same rights as everyone else" is that a trans woman (that is, a man falsely claiming to be a woman) should have the same rights as every other woman. "Trans women are women" is the mantra.

I therefore refuse to endorse any notion of "trans rights". It will almost certainly be understood by others to mean something that I do not intend it to mean.

There are only human rights, and among those is the right to single-sex spaces, places, events, competitions, etc.

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Unless the claim is supported by reference to an identified law or contract, a statement of the form "I have a right ..." means absolutely nothing but "I want ..." and as such is beyond argument and irrefutable. If I claim I have a "right" to, say, a reasonable number of pieces of good gold jewelry, there's nothing to be said in reply except "No, you don't."

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Jul 21Liked by Stephen Knight

I so totally agree with you and thank you for writing this article. The Dem politicos (most of them) are virtue signaling like crazy by making support for trans issues part of their platform. I wonder if they know that LGB people are speaking out against having their longtime civil rights work co-opted by the addition of ‘TQI+’ The label needs to return to its former ‘LGB’ so that support for normal human rights cannot be used as a poison pill to bring down the Democratic Party.

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It's also worth noting that TQI+ has undermined the position of LGB in a few ways: 1) subjectifying the concept of gender rendering sexual orientation either very conceptual or meaningless. 2) Reactions to the trans movement has identified that culture impacts self perception; by extension sexual orientation is a cultural/learned phenomenon not an inate characteristic. 3) Reaction to trans foregrounds the biological roles and foundations over adolescent vibes. Extended to LGB, this foregrounds biological relationship norms and fertility.

I think the right wins on trans issues which moves the culture war back to LGB issues like same sex marriage, but this time with a right wing that is much more sophisticated on the issue.

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Jul 20Liked by Stephen Knight

Thank you. This is a comprehensive and well reasoned summary of the issue that avoids veering into nastiness or anger. We need more of this.

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It requires only that psychiatry admit that it is wrong, trans are delusional, and any other perspective is reinforcing the delusion. Neither demonic possession nor trans body swap exists, and surgery on healthy tissue won’t have any effect. The “doctors” are wrong and doubling down on a losing position, and they know it.

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I dobut all of them know it. Many seem to be true cult believers.

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The problem is psychiatry exists as a type of catch-22 system. If you criticize the tenets of psychiatry you are by definition ill because psychiatry generates the definition of mental health which cannot be contradicted.

We can all say male female impersonators should not be allowed in private female spaces or to compete in female sports, but psychiatry defines such assertions as a phobic illness, an irrational fear reaction.

Since psychiatry is immune to criticism - labeling critics as mentally ill or mentally deficient therefore having invalid points of view - only legislation can alter its function.

This is a reason why psychiatry has been so misused in history - unironically against women and gays and lesbians, and political dissidents.

You will often read about postmodernism that “nothing is real” and “gender is a construct” and so on. Postmodernism doesn’t create the DSM or rules for legislatures and hospitals, and insurance payments, and the ability to remove children from parents, or to provide hormones to sterilize or castrate.

Psychiatry does.

Women and men who believe in wrong-body brains and breast and genital surgical removal to alleviate anxiety and depression.

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It's the doubling down, especially by pediatricians and endocrinologists with support from the AMA, that should be the dead giveaway that trans ideology is drooling, knuckle dragging nonsense. That, and the profound intellectual dishonesty displayed in the slogan "No Debate!" accompanied by bullying of any dissenters.

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Jul 19Liked by Stephen Knight

Big fan of your stuff here in the States ~ C

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I appreciate you saying Christopher, thank you.

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The weird thing is all the Democrats who wonder how Republicans can think as they do. They seem to have no self-knowledge of how crazy they sound to ordinary people.

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The Biden administration has been terrible in supporting the trans ideology, and has thrown women under the bus with the change in Title IX, but their emphasis on the support of abortion throws a curtain over that fact, so most women , or many women still think that Democrats are protecting women’s rights. The abortion issue has totally buried the trans issue, and that’s deliberate, since they don’t want people to know about the trans issue . It’s sad how many women know nothing about the change to Title IX,.

I’m glad Trump is speaking about this.

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Please don't forget that the Trans Ideology Juggernaut is negatively effecting the entire planet. Entire countries have been captured like us here in Austranslia and our mates in New Zealotland.

I want to hear "Trans Women are Men" come out of his mouth, as, that is the root of all this insanity.

I'd rather be called a Childless cat lady than a Cis ANYTHING.

But, women need the right to have abortions God damn it!

Go Americans! Please make the right noise 🙏

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Presenting these brats as a civil rights issue has been second only to the “trans” teen suicide lie.

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Making the trans agenda a "civil rights" issue, one of "social justice", was a genius move by the trans ideologues. That's how many feminist and gay advocacy organizations were duped into supporting a program radically opposed to their members' interests. More recently we've seen a number of former advocates of gay equality such as ACLU, HRC, PFLAG, GLSEN corrupted by large donations from billionaire trans fetishists.

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It’s simply astonishing how many people smart enough to know better buy into the “just being who they really are” BS and the “suicide” BS and the “be kind” BS.

I couldn’t work in an onsite job anymore.

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I also just noticed that my comment was under a comment. I was actually referring to the original post. I don't belong to a political party, and I feel both Democrats and Republicans are wrong on this issue. Again, I will blame my phone for the confusion.

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It’s a bug in Substack.

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Well-written post. Want to discuss but phone not fully functional, ugh.

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You can always post a comment.

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I use my phone to read and reply. But the recent Android upgrade nuked the touch screen on my Samsung. It only works with stylus and voice input. I'm using Google Voice input but it puts in typos like weird punctuation. And by works, I mean I have to keep closing and reopening apps. It's extremely difficult to edit. And for a topic like this, I would want to express myself clearly.

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It seems we now have a presidential race where on the one side, Harris and her party support a nonsensical ideology (as you put it) whilst on the other side Trump has made a comment that has got many people wondering if there'll be any further elections should he win!

He said in a recent speech: "I don't care but you have to get out and vote. Christians, get out and vote! Just this time. You won’t have to do it anymore. Four more years. You know what? It’ll be fixed! It’ll be fine! You won’t have to vote anymore, my beautiful Christians." (https://x.com/AccountableGOP/status/1817010508072882202 - listen to the video, the quote in the tweet drops the reference to Christians.)

Ostensibly this comment is addressed to Christians, telling them to get out and vote, just this once, and then they won't need to vote again. And some interpret it as meaning he'll make fix all the issues they're concerned with rather than that he'll abolish elections. But it is ambiguous as to what he means and with Trump's form on respecting democratic norms, I can understand people being nervous about trusting the more benign interpretation of his comments.

Such is the choice the voters of the USA have to make this time...

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