I was surprised to see "Stockport" trending on Twitter in the context of the attack. Many of those rushing to share their wisdom on matters of public safety and the law could not even be bothered with details such as *where the attack took place.* I don't know who are worse: the deliberately malicious actors stirring the pot or the plain, everyday idiots and their moronic contributions.

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My parents once missed a ferry leaving from Plymouth because they thought it was going from Portsmouth.

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This is what I would have said, if I was able to formulate it. Bravo.

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Thank you for

putting some light on it.

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Thanks for reading!

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> just be honest and say that you think your need to know everything right this second is more important than ensuring a thorough and responsible investigation that abides by laws specifically designed to avoid jeopardising an active investigation concerning the murder of children.

Correct. And Nigel Farage is guilty of this, with multiple statements he has made this week.

Why can't we even have just one normal & sane political party to vote for? It's a joke.

To be clear, at a minimum, such a party would need to:

1) understand that "transparency" is what you get at a criminal trial, not during the first 36 hours of a police investigation

2) understand that UK immigration policies are not remotely normal or sane, and this must be rectified urgently, both in terms of quality (much higher) and quantity (much, much lower)

3) understand that people like, say, Eddie Izzard and "Lia" Thomas are men.

There are so, so many other important things in addition to these. But the fact that even these 3 are not available simultaneously in a single party (except MAYBE some parties that only had candidates in a minority of seats, like the SDP) shows how dire our political arena has become.

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I have to say, I do miss the times (oh so recent!) when rioting and looting, based on a campaign of misinformation and radical agitators, were good, akshully. And major political parties were there to bail out the offenders.

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What was the motive for killing a bunch of little girls? Misogyny, certainly, but was it religion-based misogyny or plain old secular, incel-style misogyny?

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So, one can't oppose mass-immigration unless they attack police and smash up a town where kids were just killed by someone born in the UK? You appear to be confusing the 'stalwart English disposition' with the very un-English 'knuckle-dragging thuggery'. You sound very silly, is what I'm saying.

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It doesn't matter where this killer was born.

He's an African foreigner, and this was 100% preventable if migration had not occurred. These people should have never been allowed into the UK, and everybody knows it. You're just too cowardly to say it.

This violence is justified. If the triple murder of children isn't going to make you mad, what will? This is the result of years of pressure, of covering up crime, of dumping unwanted foreigners in a country where they don't belong, of crying about colonialism or racism or some other bullshit, of allowing BLM mobs to rampage in front of cops on their knees.

What exactly does the political establishment in the UK expect to happen? When people feel that they have no real choice, and a match has been thrown on a powderkeg, it will explode. Keep crying about thuggery and see where it gets you.

This will be repeated not only in the UK but Ireland as well, so long as people like you don't realize that this is to be expected when the people of a country are not listened to and foreign criminals are being excused out of fear of being called racist. Once nobody cares about being called racist anymore, and that is fast approaching, it's going to be worse and you will have no real response.

I think you see that coming hence the desperation. Silly? Three girls are dead. Nobody gives af anymore.

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> Keep crying about thuggery and see where it gets you.

Keep engaging in thuggery and see where it gets you. Immigration is unpopular in this country, but not as unpopular as mob rule.

I have been criticising immigration for a very long time, but if it comes to a choice between Keir Starmer and a street thug like "Tommy Robinson", I'll choose the former every time. And so will the electorate - the majority of whom ended up voting for pro mass immigration parties, given the choices available.

For 3/4 of a century, the immigration sceptical movement has been hampered by the prominence of its extremists. If it continues down that path, it deserves to lose.

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What extremists?

Immigration is unpopular? Really?

How come it has done nothing but increase then?

The UK is a country where thousands of illegals make it across the Channel every year, while Muslim rape gangs are covered up and those who want to point it out get thrown in jail. Legal migration skyrockets each year. Why? Because of EXTREMISM? What the fuck are you on about?

So what’s the fucking difference between one single riot and doing what you're defending? You’re going to go with the “non-extremists”? And what would that change? You’ve lead to this.

Keep making people mad, keep making excuses for literal child killers, keep crying rAciSm, things are going to get even worse and then people like you will be disregarded completely because you’re irrelevant.

You are part of the problem. You're going to lose. I hope you're ready.

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> Immigration is unpopular? Really?


"One, conducted in July 2020, found that 54% of the public think immigration has been too high over the past decade. Only 5% thought it had been too low. Another, conducted in 2018, found that 52% of the public said immigration policy was ‘too weak’, with just 12% saying it was ‘too strict’."

> How come it has done nothing but increase then?

Partly because the immigration sceptical movement has been hampered by the prominence of its extremists, as I said.

> So what’s the fucking difference between one single riot and doing what you're defending?

Please go back to my previous comment and tell me what exactly it is that you think I'm "defending"? If your answer is anything other than "locking up rioters", then you need to work on your reading comprehension.

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You’re not intelligent enough to speak with me on this.

You don’t understand tone or sarcasm in writing. That’s how stupid you are.

The problem is not extremism, you fucking dolt. There hasn’t been enough extremism because the public have not gotten angry enough. That’s why the government knows it can get away with millions of migrants, putting them in hotels, covering up rape gangs, and now this.

You’re a moron. Now things will get extreme because idiots like you have done nothing but cover for foreign migrants who literally kill children.

This is just the beginning, and white people are fully justified in getting angry about this while Muslims and BLM mobs are untouched as they ruin a country they don’t even belong in.

So get ready, because you’re going to be schooled. And every bit of it is deserved.

Now I’m done. Go wring your hands and cry about racism, you fucking waste.

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Check out Tywin Lanister over here.

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Ah yes, righteous anger. Feels good, doesn't it Rene?

For all your talk of being "silenced" by Stephen, you know full well that what we're discussing here is people who have heard a rumour about the perpetrator, and have now decided that their rage gives them the right to physically attack innocent strangers. The thought of allowing an investigation to take place and ensuring that no-one other than the actual culprit gets punished, just isn't enough to satisfy this animal instinct. It's a repudiation of 1000s of years of progress.

For me, immigration scepticism is about preserving Western civilization. Yesterday's riot is a reminder that many of the people on "my side" are merely parasites upon that civilization, enjoying its immense benefits but unwilling to adhere to its most essential constraints.

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> for enforcing borders

Your reading comprehension needs work. I am in favour of enforcing borders. The people attacking a mosque on Tuesday were not doing that.

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The people attacking the mosque are working class white people who have had their cities destroyed, their daughters raped and murdered, and their histories trashed.

They don't give af about what virtue signaling retards like you online have to say now. It doesn't matter what you're in favour of. People like you have done nothing to defend any border or stop any invasion.

When people who are angry see that their anger is justified, it's a powderkeg ready to kick off. Now it doesn't matter what you think. That's what idiots like you will learn. All it takes is one riot, after weeks of BLM mobs, Pakkis rioting in Leeds while police watched, and this is what you think you can virtue signal over.

You people are fucking useless.

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> People like you have done nothing to defend any border or stop any invasion.

What have you done? What have they done? Attacked a mosque? Great work boys! /s

We live in a democracy, so what I have done is make the argument against mass immigration, and give money to organisation(s) that do the same or similar.

> When people who are angry see that their anger is justified it's a powderkeg ready to kick off.

Great, well, I'm justifiably angry about mob rule, and anti-democratic thugs targeting innocent people.

> That's what idiots like you will learn.

That remains to be seen. If you think violence is the answer, and your faction is the only one who will be able to successfully wield it, you may be in for a shock.

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That one mild riot and attack on the mosque has migrants and politicians shitting their pants.

That’s done more than anything you ever will because you are a failure.

Get ready. It’s time to be extreme because you are worthless.

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