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I commented on another Knightstack that it irked me when when people blame partiarchy/misogyny for what is happening in the name of gender ideology. I'd like to expand on that a little. I think there are perhaps three strata to this.

Top: Gender ideology i.e. the sex and gender binaries are myths perpetuated by cisheteronormative power structures that need to be dismantled to end oppression and achieve true liberation. - This is what is driving the current issues and, although they do most often resolve to the detriment of women, this is largely because of the reality of the biological strata rather than the continuing existance of the patriarchy strata.

Mid: Feminism i.e. we live in a system of male entitlement that causes men to act in certain ways to the detriment of women. - This was once certainly true but is no longer formally true, although some remnants of that system remain culturally. Today this is often (most often?) confused for the biological reality of the strata below but the issues are caused and enabled by the strata above (so biological men get to act like biological men because gender theory says you are whatever you feel you are in the moment).

Bottom: Biology i.e. men and women are different, especically when it comes to sex. - This exists and has always existed and has continues to exert influence on events and outcomes.

How did this happen? I saw Kathleen Stock admit in a recent interview that the blank slatism / constructivism inherent to much of radical feminism effectively enabled the radical subjectivism of gender ideology. Which is true. Then the postmodern turn in philosophy (is Bulter an anagram of Tumblr? Nearly..) helped turn all the Women's Studies departments into Gender Studies. Then the Civil Rights infrastructure in America was at a loose end - but all charged up and ready to go - once gay marriage was was enshrined in law, and needed a new cause to turn to (seek out Wes Yang talking to Leor Sapir about this on Callin).

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