Thank you Stephen for this clear and concise refute of a very disingenuous claim about Sadiq Khan. I share your feelings about the mayor of London being too woke, but in the spirit of integrity and fairness, we can't allow nutcases like Dave Rubin to spread malicious lies about our political opponents. When all is said and done, people like Sadiq Khan are perfectly decent, respectable people, who just happen to believe in absolute nonsense. I have noticed a tendency with some on the Right to resort to unscrupulous methods in order to achieve their ambitions. They must know what they're saying is false, but apparently it doesn't matter so long as they spur on the anti-woke movement. I read an article the other day about the "anti-anti-woke" movement starting up now to counter factions of the anti-woke movement that are spearheading into extremism. Perhaps this article you've written Stephen is a symptom of just that phenomenon.

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Dave Rubin sounds like Kermit the Frog, therefore nothing he says should or can be taken seriously

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No, he's just a Woke Islam apologist due to Identity Politics; they want to have their cake and eat it too, despite championing things that are haram [forbidden].

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