So disappointed in Stewart Lee and his wife Bridget Christie. I thought they might be the ones to take a stand for reality and feminism but he's a gender sell out like the rest of them. It's so pathetic and cowardly.

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Another grumpy lefty comedian here.

I'm planning to write a response to Stewart Lee's article, and to honour his integrity, I shall not read his article before writing my response.

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I forgot what this was all about but I do still write satire so when the next drama happens I promise I'll get round to it and not get distracted by writing a scifi book about a frog that buys human corpses on the frog internet, promise.

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I want too read this book!

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Hey thanks! It's called THE COSMONAUT WHO DIED TWICE and it's out now on most retailers. eBook only for now but a short paperback is planned

linktr.ee/phillipcarter <<< (copy that into your browser)

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I'm going to buy this today! Nice one thanks Phillip!

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hello again, I am summoned back here for more SL drama, and I'm wondering, what did you think of the book?

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Thanks Sarah! Let me know what you think :)

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I started to read and then had a deja vu-'who killed the humans?' I think it's called?

Like,this is far from your first rodeo😉

I have never lived up a horse either😂.

You're writing,too me at least,is like my first Pratchett,knowing that it's totally off the wall and I have found another great writer.

So thanks for the chance meeting here! That cosmos is good at coinkidinks😁

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That teacher needs to be fired for spreading falsehoods. She doesn’t sound educated when she calls the Intersex condition a third sex! She obviously has no understanding of of biology and is just spouting nonsense! As a former science teacher, with biology and chemistry as my background, I get really furious at the subversion of science to serve an ideology!

I admire the young girl,for standing up to truth and the bullying of this” teacher”!

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He used to be my favourite comedian. But when I saw him live recently he tried to mock Ricky Gervais and he just looked like a sad git jealous at someone who is far more witty and successful than he is.

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He devoted an article to attacking him years ago, so not surprised.

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Isn't that just standard Guardian journo drivel

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The comedian whose sell out has impacted me personally the most is Richard Herring. Long time fan and monthly paid subscriber, I tweeted my incredulity that he had promoted Jordan Gray on IWD when RH has been a brilliant supporter of women’s rights - immediate block. I don’t want to sound like the “JKR has ruined my childhood memories” but it has been a shock to me how someone previously aligned with rationality and the needs of women for DV services plus patron of Scope (disability) has pivoted to prioritising the ‘needs’ of men. 😢

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Obviously these children don't know what they are talking about and don't know best. If these children wanted double mastectomies to affirm their gender would Stewart Lee then believe that they know what they are talking about and they know best? Schrodinger's Trans strikes again.

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That is truly shocking. I do hope that teacher is forced to apologise to the girls. Well done to the girls though for having the courage to stand up to the truth.

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Another beautiful example of why we should home school and why Stewart Lee should fuck right off

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Yes! Send them all home

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I’m not sure who the comedian is, but those girls were pretty awesome.

They sounded more intelligent than their teacher.

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Did we hear the same clip? There was a distinct lack of intelligence all round in the discussion...

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Lee knows everything about everything but said he wouldn't make fun of Islam because he "knows nothing about it." His stance on mass immigration is "Oh well people have always travelled." How convenient! It doesn't surprise me anymore, honestly, many atheists leftist "scientific" folk have fallen in to the same dogmatic traps they were trying to get away from.

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Especially as he didn't touch this stuff with a bargepole, until his wife, who identifies as a comedian, based almost all of her sthick on it.

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Smug toby jug Stuart Lee spouts ghastly Guardian garbage. There's a surprise.

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What a pity. Stewart Lee used to be so funny & insightful (and I say this not just because we grew up in the same town at the same time). He seems to have given up on both. It’s another indication of the eternal truth that humour and ideology simply cannot co-exist.

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Gender Creationism. Brilliant analysis!

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This is an old piece. I looked at what Lee wrote and it’s a piece about the fuss that blew up afterwards with concerns that there was an epidemic of children identifying as animals egged on by woke schools. Lee says nothing more about the Rye incident than the paragraph in the article. I don’t think he’s really mischaracterised the conversation.

My view is that the teacher was upset because the “combative” girls had called another classmate crazy - it’s not clear whether that classmate said they were transgender - and admittedly gave a poor defence of her position. She was also unacceptably intolerant of the girls’ views but I think was upset by their combative stance which had upset another classmate. She should certainly have been calmer and more willing to listen. The combative girls are putting forward a perfectly arguable and widely held viewpoint whether or not she agrees with it.

All in all though, a fuss over absolutely nothing

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Now, seeing an old clip of Stweart Lee ranting about Ricky Gervais' Afterlife (

https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=oDlIzjGkSmc), I can't help but see SL as insecure.

He looks off to the side before tearing into Gervais' work, almost as if he doesn't actually believe what he's saying, but is saying it because it makes him feel better. And it might make me feel better too, if I was devoting my time to complaining rather than writing.

About that, brb.

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