I have put your piece on Graham's "Glinner"discussion page, and pointed out you're reaching out.

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Dear Stephen -

I have passed that request on.



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I’m a struggling composer who is well aware of Christian Hensons contribution to creating, nurturing and supporting a thriving community of fellow composers.

His business model is to offer extremely high end music libraries used extensively in tv and movies, but also to offer similarly high end products albeit with some restrictions for free.

The pianobook and labs libraries are really community driven and it has been appalling to see such a witch hunt come from those communities without, seemingly, very many people being that familiar with the details of what Christian, Rowling, and Linehan are actually saying, or the wider concerns around transing children or safeguarding concerns.

The internet has created so many Salem style virtual villages that can’t tolerate someone stepping outside the consensus however sensitively.

And here am I unable to comment publicly for the second time as a professional acquaintance is forced out of a company they started as I would be unable to pay my mortgage if I spoke up publicly.

I am ashamed of my cowardice.

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Don't be ashamed. It's not cowardice, it's self-preservation. I am retired and so can afford to speak publicly, "in real life" as well as online with non-anonymous social media accounts. At least we have not (yet) got to the stage of "Social Credit" being used to decide who is and who is not allowed a pension.

The rot is so well set in with the Arts that existing institutions and organisations will crumble. Everything that "Social Justice" and the woke touch turns to dust. It is destroying the public sector and the voluntary sector and it will destroy business because it attacks the foundations and original aims. The bigger worry is that it has a grip on political parties and governments, for the time being.

So many people with vision and expertise are being ejected from the creative industries that a parallel economy will emerge. You can see this exemplified by Rosie Kay:


If you haven't come across these already, they are worth a look:

"Counter Wokecraft: A Field Manual for Combatting the Woke in the University and Beyond."

Pincourt, Charles; Lindsay, James. November 2021

(written for people in STEM in Universities but generalisable to other contexts. There is only one, fleeting mention of the "sex not gender" issue, presumably because transgenderism has not been weaponised in his workplace.)


The Prof is anonymous to protect his own livelihood. He also has a Substack:


Another anti-woke Substack:


If you are in the UK and are interested in supporting women behind the scenes, WRN (Women's Rights Network) can put you in touch with what they refer to as "The White Knighties" :-)

(I don't know what the official name is for the men's network supporting WRN)


Good luck and do what you can.

You just did this and that's a start :-)

ps. Two other composers have just got the boot for supporting Christian - or rather just asking questions in one case:


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I’m more offended that he signed off with “Best”. People that do that need to be Tavistocked themselves

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This gender nonsense, in my opinion, has been a litmus test for Humanistic Atheists. I really believe they did not expect the support they have gotten. It is as if Satan hit a homerun!

Anyone who really believes in God knows God is perfect. He does not mistakes my so-called believer friends.

And if you believe he is perfect, how is it He keeps putting boys in girls bodies and vice versa?

The extreme secular humanists are taking to is mind boggling. As a Christian it tells me one thing and that is that we have much work to do. We believers need to pray and help these lost souls.

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