Where's the outrage over repeated attempts to murder an ethnic minority female for speaking in England?
Edward 'Abdullah' Little has pleaded guilty to plotting to murder Hatun Tash at Speakers Corner
What if I were to tell you that a woman has recently been targeted for murder in broad daylight in England, not once but twice. And on one of these occasions a male attacker actually succeeded in stabbing her in the face in front of hundreds of people. Furthermore, this female target of attempted murder is an ethnic minority. And the only reason she is being targeted is because of what opinions she may choose to say out loud at Speakers Corner. Not to mention, the police actually arrested her for raising concerns about all of this.
You’d imagine the news cycle, human rights activists and the online outrage machine would be going nuclear about it, wouldn’t you? Then why is it that so few people have heard of Hatun Tash or are willing to defend her right to speak openly and continue breathing?
In the age of intersectional thinking an emphasis is placed on the unique struggles of those with a minority status—or groups that have typically faced oppression. Well, unless you are the ‘wrong’ type of ethnic minority that is. It seems with intersectional thought that your minority status is entirely subject to what opinions you hold.
For example, Tash is a woman. That counts for something on the intersectional hierarchy, right? And she is an ethnic minority—so up she climbs even further. She’s also a victim of male violence—even more points then. Not to mention, she’s been mistreated at the hands of the police—ACAB, ammarite? We now have a textbook example of all the injustices the left claim to care about, surely?
But hang on. What’s that? She is a Christian Preacher? Ah, we are going to have to dock a few points for that unfortunately. And what’s this? She has said some mean things about Islam? Unlucky, that’s another drop down the ladder. What? Her attackers may be ethnic minorities and/or Muslims themselves? That’s now complete disqualification I’m afraid. Feel free to re-apply at intersectional HQ if you come out as gender-queer, convert to Islam and get stabbed in the face for supporting BLM.
And this is what gives the whole game away. Those on ‘the right side of history’ made a very cynical calculation with the case of Hatun Tash. They weighed up the benefit of defending an innocent woman from male violence then deducted the cost of having to say it’s ok to criticise Islam. Then they realised they may have to condemn the Islamic thugs responsible and decided silence was preferable. In short, this issue has become a minefield for those high on identity politics because they are morally confused cowards.
No one has been arrested for repeatedly stabbing Tash back in 2021—however it has been reported today that a man has pleaded guilty to a separate plot to murder her at Speakers Corner.
From the BBC:
Edward Little, 21, from Brighton, was carrying £5,000 with which he hoped to purchase a firearm, a passport and two phones when he was arrested last year.
It was alleged his intended target was Hatun Tash, who regularly argued with other speakers, and her camera crew, as well as any police or soldiers.
Edward Little has been reported to go by the name ‘Abdullah’ online. He also asked his taxi driver to take him to the mosque so he could pray before purchasing his weapons. So, I think it is fair to say the authorities may have potentially prevented yet another act of Islamic terror.
No one should face violent attacks or threats to their life for saying what they think. That’s the line I hold for everyone—including my enemies. And this principle should not suddenly go missing the moment an opinion you do not like is involved—because what principles will you then appeal to when you or someone you care about is targeted for exactly the same reasons?