UK Police documents reveal anti-Israel marches were being planned while the October 7 massacres were actually happening
A freedom of information request reveals the shame of Palestine Solidarity Campaign group
Back in November 2023, I was invited to speak on a panel about antisemitism at the Battle Of Ideas in Buxton. Deeply concerned by the speed with which anti-Israel protesters had began to mobilise after the October 7th massacres, I said the following in my opening remarks:
“The anti-Israel protesters took to the streets before the charred remains of Israeli civilians had even begun to cool down”.
This was a piece of rhetoric designed to emphasise the pace with which the concern for innocent Jewish lives had evaporated amongst the sort that like to think of themselves as ‘on the right side of history’. But it appears I may have understated my point, as a new freedom of information request reveals.
If you intend to organise a protest march in the UK, you are required by law to notify the police of your intentions to do so. And a user over on ‘X’ has posted the outcome of a freedom of information request made to the police—which reveals when the first official notification was made by organisers of an anti-Israel protest march.
The freedom of information request asked the following: ‘What date and time did the Met Police receive writing that a Palestine Protest march would be held on 14/10/2023?’
The answer?
‘The MPS were contacted on Saturday 7 October at approximately 1250hrs via telephone call and informed of the intention to protest’.
This means that an organiser from the Palestine Solidarity Campaign group began making plans to organise a mass protest march against Israel at the very moment innocent Jews were being slaughtered, raped, tortured and kidnapped in Israel.
It’s entirely possible that this organiser had seen the endless images of young, murdered concert goers strewn across the landscape of the Nova music festival. They may have also seen the videos of grenades being lobbed at cornered civilians trying to hide—or men and women shot in the back as they tried to flee. Perhaps they saw the videos circulating of whole families in their cars being shot to pieces as they tried to go about their day. Or reports of whole families—including babies—being burned alive in the kibbutz.
They may well have seen the footage of terrified and bloodied young women being bundled on to the back of trucks and bikes by scores of euphoric, rifle-toting Jihadists. Perhaps they saw the widely spread footage of Shani Louk’s lifeless, mutilated body being paraded through the streets as the virtuous citizens of Gaza took turns spitting on her corpse.
It’s possible they may have seen all of this unfolding and decided now was the perfect moment to organise a protest against the very victims of these unimaginable horrors. No other group on planet earth would be expected to receive such wicked treatment.
There is something deeply rotten at the core of the ‘free Palestine’ movement.
The "Free Palestine" movement is not about concern for the welfare of Palestinians, but hatred of Jews. Their weekly protests in London, drawing tens if not hundreds of thousands, brought to light the innumerable terrorists sympathisers living among us in the UK. These same crowds didn't show up for 500,000 people killed in the Syrian civil war, didn't show up for Afghans when the brutal Taliban took over Afghanistan, and didn't show up for Iranian women during the 'Woman, Life, Freedom' movement. Thus we can surmise they care nothing for human rights and only show up to cheer gleefully when Jews are being slaughtered. Given the horrors of the Holocaust, it's shameful that the UK allows such blatant hatred of Jews to fester here. Our Fight UK, an organisation headed by Mark Birbeck and aiming to challenge antisemitism, recently joined a supposedly anti-racism march, only to have their members, including an Iranian refugee, attacked by the stewards of the march and arrested! This incident reveals the overt racism of the people who call themselves anti-racists. They are nothing but a coalition of Islamists and their useful idiots.