Twitter reinstates my account: A huge thank you
I recently blogged an open letter to Twitter after they informed me that my Twitter account @GSpellchecker would be ‘permanently suspended’. This produced a flurry of interest and support on a scale far greater than I had anticipated nor experienced for anything else I’ve been involved with before. It seems my fellow Twitter compadres have a potent dislike for injustice. Well, today my Twitter account was reinstated in record time and I received an apology email from Twitter. Hurrah! Although the email (pictured above) is generic and unrevealing, it is the desired and correct decision from Twitter. Below is my brief reply to it:
Thank you for your prompt and positive response.
I would please urge you to review and investigate the individual, or individuals responsible for these bogus reports - and review any other suspensions they've caused as I'm aware I'm not their only victim.
Thanks again,
It does appear to confirm my suspicions however – individuals (or an individual) are making bogus reports of ‘abuse or harassment’ to silence criticism, or people they simply do not like. This is clear given the ‘review’ carried out by Twitter deemed the initial reports against me were not substantive enough to warrant the suspension or banning. It’s amusing to note just how much this attempt to shut me down has backfired; indeed as a result, my blog visits have hit record numbers and downloads of my podcast have spiked. Not to mention my Twitter ‘followers’ have now crossed a 50,000 milestone. I’ve also had media enquiries and received my first new Patreon supporter in weeks. So, I suppose this is a thank you to those responsible for my suspension too. As before, I will continue to use my voice to critique bad ideas and their ideologues, with civility – but without abuse or dilution. I will always oppose abuse and harassment in all its forms, but it’s equally important that those who wish to stifle legitimate criticism, satire and dissent via disingenuous tactics be exposed and held to account for their behaviour also. I hope Twitter takes a good look at the responsible parties in this instance and revokes the privileges that allow them to influence automatic suspensions and bans. I want to say a HUGE thank you to those of you who’ve shared my open letter, contacted Twitter on my behalf and sent messages of support my way. For the first time since joining Twitter I’ve actually been unable to cope with the sheer volume of tweets coming my way, so I apologise if I’ve not replied to your well-wishes, but please know it’s appreciated and has not gone unnoticed. It’s overwhelming, thank you. You can listen to The Godless Spellchecker Podcast here, and support it by becoming a patron here.