Taking The Myth - Jan 2018 Edition
This week on Taking The Myth, Stephen Knight (@GSpellchecker) and Iram Ramzan of sedaa.org (@Iram_Ramzan) discuss the big topics. We talk: Britt Hermes being sued for exposing a quack, the humanist asylum seeker Plato inquisition, the Hijab controversy at St. Stephen's, Donald Trump, Fire and Fury, The Daily Mail being banned on virgin trains, the H&M 'racist' hoodie controversy, Toby Young, Cathy Newman V Jordan Peterson, Charlie Hebdo Anniversary and much, much more!
Also available on iTunes, Stitcher and YouTube
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UPDATE ? Britt Hermes's legal fund has hit its target: https://www.naturopathicdiaries.com/legal-defense-fund-update-raised-e50k/
Petition in support of Hamza bin Walayat's asylum case https://humanism.org.uk/what-you-can-do-to-help/tell-amber-rudd-save-hamza-dont-deport-him/
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