Sussex Police would like to remind you that the feelings of paedophiles are important too.
Sussex police warn people that misgendering a paedophile is "hateful".
“Woman convicted of historic offences against children in Sussex” reads the headline on the official statement issued by Sussex Police. The details of the crimes are as disturbing as you may imagine—involving seven children and a conviction for 30 ‘indecent assaults’.
The 322 word statement reliably informs us that Sally Ann Dixon, 58, was jailed for 20 years. But can you imagine which piece of vital information was consigned to a single sentence? You’ve guessed it:
At the time of the offences, Dixon was John Stephen Dixon, who transitioned to female in 2004 - after the period during which the offences took place
Understandably, many women were utterly furious to be told a ‘woman’ was convicted of Dixon’s heinous crimes. A quick search of the #NotOurCrimes hash tag on Twitter reveals just how often this happens.
Women—being the chief victims of male sexual violence understand that sexual violence of any kind is almost exclusively a male crime. And it’s an insult to their very existence and the victims of sexual violence to be told they must play along with nonsense of this sort.
But it gets worse. A Twitter user decided to point out the obvious to Sussex Police:

“This is a man, committing sexual offences against children”
Now, there were a number of options available to the team behind the social media account of Sussex Police—but I don’t think doubling-down was the wisest choice:

Hi, Sussex Police do not tolerate any hateful comments towards their gender identity regardless of crimes committed. This is irrelevant to the crime that has been committed and investigated. Sussex Police
There you have it. Simply describing a biologically male paedophile as a “man” is considered a “hateful” comment according to the Sussex Police—and due to absurd UK speech laws, “hateful” speech is a prosecutable offence.
What is especially concerning however is for the police to state that a person’s sex is ‘irrelevant to the crime that has been committed and investigated’. With this extraordinary claim, Sussex Police have completely dismissed the unique problem of male sexual violence and every aspect of the relevant safeguarding measures that go along with it. Because the only way it could possibly be ‘irrelevant’ is if women committed these crimes at a similar rate to men. And the only way to achieve such ‘equality’ in this respect would be to pretend that men are women.
This is a strategy our institutions have been all too keen to implement, which is why this serial child sex abuser has also been sent to a women’s prison.
The climate of fear, delusion and coercion around gender ideology is so potent that we now have the police threatening people for the potential hurt feelings of paedophiles.
"Call the biologically male paedophile a ‘woman’ you bigots. Or else". These are the terms we are being offered. And we must reject them. It is nothing more than a demand that we say things we know to be untrue, on threat of punishment.
“The party told you to reject the evidence of your eyes and ears. It was their final, most essential command.” - George Orwell, 1984.
Update 28 Sep 2022 - Sussex police have now deleted their tweets on this issue and have released an apology statement
UPDATE 05 Oct 2022
This is how the Metro newspaper in the UK initially reported this story:
The headline was eventually changed.
Dixon was jailed in a women’s prison. However, it has now been reported that Dixon was moved to a different wing of the prison ‘after starting a relationship with a ‘vulnerable’ inmate with 'learning disabilities' according to The Daily Mail. This will no doubt add to the plethora of safeguarding concerns already raised by groups such as Keep Prisons Single Sex.