Podcast - Cosmos Edition - Voices Needed!
Specifics Show Title: Cosmos: A Spacetime Odyssey UK Airdate: Sunday 16th March Time: 7pm – 7.50pm GMT Channel: National Geographic Podcast recording time: Sundays 8.50pm GMT
March 16th marks the start of a new updated version of Carl Sagan’s classic TV series “Cosmos: A Personal Voyage”. The brilliant Neil deGrasse Tyson and the hilarious Seth MacFarlane will be on hosting/narrating duties, and it promises to be stimulating both visually, mentally, and I suspect, entertaining too.
To celebrate the occasion, and hopefully engage people in some beautiful, beautiful scientific discussion, I intend to record a companion Podcast episode an hour after the UK broadcast has ended. We would, as a group, talk through some of the points of interest from the current episode. I shall then slave away in order to have it available to download within 24-48 hours.
This is where you come in. Will you be watching Cosmos? Have you watched it in the US/Canada already? Do you have an interest in cosmology/physics? Do you think you could lend a lively voice to a relaxed discussion concerning the contents of the show?
The plan is to watch the show live at 7pm on National Geographic then have a group of people (possibly 4) join me via Skype an hour after the broadcast has ended (8.50 PM GMT) to talk about the episode. This would give you an hour to collect your thoughts and make any notes should you wish.
The format would be incredibly loose and relaxed. There will be no exams, or expectations! I’m relatively clueless when it comes to Cosmology/Physics, so I’m looking forward to learning and talking it over with others regardless of your levels of knowledge. I’m simply looking for enthusiasm. There would be more of an emphasis on reviewing and recapping the TV show, rather than discussing complex science involved.
The only requirements are: • You will watch Cosmos, or you have already seen it • You can speak • You have a Skype account • You have a Microphone • You can be ready to give up an hour of your time at 8.50pm GMT prompt.
I realise the UK is a week behind other regions in terms of broadcast date, but that doesn’t mean this is limited to UK participants only.
If you’ve already watched the relevant episode and want to be on my show, and can make yourself available at the above time, feel free to put yourself forward regardless of your location.
Depending on how it goes I may consider doing this weekly for the full run of episodes, with recurring guests, or switching them every week. If you’re interested, please fill in the form below*. If I don’t invite you for the first episode this coming Sunday, I may contact you for an upcoming one instead.
If you have any questions, please put them in the comments section below, and I shall reply to them there.
[contact-form subject='[@Gspellchecker%26#039;s Blog'][contact-field label='Name' type='name' required='1'/][contact-field label='Email' type='email' required='1'/][contact-field label='Skype ID' type='url'/][contact-field label='Twitter ID' type='text' required='1'/][contact-field label='What can you bring to the chat?' type='textarea' required='1'/][/contact-form]
*By submitting your details you understand and agree to participate in a recorded discussion which will be made available for free across multiple media platforms.