Off To London For ‘A Celebration of Science & Reason’
The Conservative Party conference rolls into my home city of Manchester this weekend. The Tory government (as usual) is failing to energise the younger voter in a way that Corbyn’s populist approach is not. The news is saturated with the doom and gloom of Brexit negotiations and it’s expected that a sizeable number of protesters will be making their presence known in Manchester today.
‘Hang The Tories’ effigies have already been reported in the city. The police presence is high, including road blocks and rooftop snipers.
This seemed like the perfect excuse to be anywhere else.
Luckily, this evening I will be attending ‘A Celebration of Science & Reason’, which is a conversation between Richard Dawkins, Sam Harris and Matt Dillahunty. I’m currently on the train as I type this.
Here is the event info:
Richard Dawkins and Sam Harris – two of the world's most respected scientists and authors – share the stage with one of the world's foremost debaters and skeptics Matt Dillahunty; discussing science and reason. Since finding his way out of religion, Dillahunty gained worldwide fame by hosting the Austin, Texas all-access call-in show The Atheist Experience. He now travels the world debating and lecturing on subjects primarily relating to belief in god and skepticism.
This event will feature a discussion about Science & Reason. How do we become more scientifically literate? How can we better educate society to value skepticism over faith? These are some of the themes that will be addressed
I shall report back on the event at first opportunity, so make sure you follow me on Twitter (@Gspellchecker) or enter your email address on this website to subscribe to my blog.
In the meantime however, given I’ve had the pleasure of speaking with all the aforementioned gentleman at some point or other, I thought I’d bring these conversations to your attention again:
Sam Harris
Sam Harris joins me on the Godless Spellchecker Podcast
Matt Dillahunty
Matt Dillahunty and Aron Ra join me on the Godless Spellchecker Podcast
Matt Dillahunty returns to the show
Richard Dawkins
I Interview Richard Dawkins and provide some coverage of his panel at The Secularist Conference
Stephen Knight is host of The #GSPodcast. You can listen to The Godless Spellchecker Podcast here, and support it by becoming a patron here.