Labels, No Arguments and Banning - With Emma Kennedy

Earlier today I wrote about the outrage inspired by Milo Yiannopoulos’s book deal. And in a twist that will surprise absolutely no one, his book, which is yet to be released, now sits at the top of Amazon’s best seller list. In no small part due to the free publicity afforded to him by aforementioned outrage.
In my earlier piece, I made the following observation:
One of the reasons the left and so-called liberals keep waking up to things not going their way is because at some point they decided they didn’t need to make arguments anymore. Why should they when an inflammatory label and banning someone is an easier option?
This brings me to TV presenter and author Emma Kennedy to beautifully demonstrate my point for me. Emma decided to throw out the inflammatory label ‘white supremacist’ when describing and protesting Milo to her 100k strong Twitter following. This tweet has mysteriously vanished even though her staunch defence of it remains:

So, now that we have the obligatory labelling and ‘no argument’ part out of the way, we progress to the logical finale of ‘banning’:

But what’s this? An inflammatory label encore. I’m denigrated as a ‘professional troll’ for my questions.

If Emma has deleted her initial charges of ‘white supremacy’ because she no longer believes them to be accurate, she should publicly retract. Unless she thinks ‘white supremacy’ is so trivial as to excuse casually throwing it around without merit.
UPDATE 31 December 2016
In response to this blog post, Emma Kennedy continues to wave her Swiss Army Knife of regressive tactics, namely: straw men, playing the victim card and outright lying.
The Straw Man

I would attempt an argument against this mischaracterisation of my blog, but I don’t need to. You can simply scroll up and read what I actually said. Needless to say, crying about being blocked it isn’t.
Playing The Victim
I’m then accused of ‘sending my followers her way’ to specifically be ‘abusive’.

Here’s a reminder of the tweet I sent:

I’ve been on Twitter since 2012. I’ve never sent a single abusive tweet. Nor have I encouraged others to do so. In fact, I’ve written a lot about why I think being abusive online is wrong.
Outright Lying

First of all, had I seen someone in my mentions calling her a ‘cunt’, I would have blocked them. The reason I didn’t see anyone behaving that way however is because no one appears to have called her such a thing:

I congratulate Emma on being able to fully embody all the toxic traits of the far-left in so few moves.
Stephen Knight is host of The #GSPodcast. You can listen to The Godless Spellchecker Podcast here, and support it by becoming a patron here.