Knife man attacks Qur'an burning activist in London
“This is my religion! You don’t burn the Qur'an!” screams the attacker, in between knife swipes, kicks to the head and the occasional volley of saliva.
Last week I wrote about the man that was arrested and charged with “causing racially and religiously aggravated intentional harassment, alarm, distress” for burning a Qur'an in central Manchester. The Judge in the case commented that “the Koran is a sacred book to Muslims and treating it as you did is going to cause extreme distress…This is a tolerant country, but we just do not tolerate this behaviour.”
I argued that this all amounted to an enforcement of de facto Islamic blasphemy laws in the UK—and that the justification for arresting people for burning the Qur'an is the same one given by Islamofascists for murdering them—namely that Islam is not to be disrespected.
This brings me to a disturbing incident that has just played out in broad daylight in London. A Turkish man who describes himself on ‘X’ as an ‘Activist’ and an ‘Atheist’ announced his intention to burn the Qur'an ‘in front of the Turkish Consulate’ in London.
The activist made good on his promise—but it was not long before his life came under serious threat. In a video taken at the scene, a man can be seen shouting at the Qur'an burning activist from behind the railings of the Turkish Consulate. “Why are you burning the Qur'an?” he demands to know.
The agitated man starts walking back towards the Turkish Consulate building, telling the activist “one second, I'm coming back” adding “I'm gonna fucking kill you now” for clarity.
The threatening man returns moments later with a large knife in his hand and immediately begins slashing at the activist, who falls to the floor.
“This is my religion! You don’t burn the Qur’an!” screams the attacker, in between knife swipes, kicks to the head and the occasional volley of saliva.
This was all caught on video below:
And as though the situation wasn’t bad enough, a Deliveroo cyclist who just so happened the be passing by whilst all this was unfolding took the opportunity to kick the activist in the head as he lay battered on the ground.
It’s disturbing how easily two Islamofascists can be summoned in broad daylight in London, ready to resort to violence in defense of Islam without a moment’s hesitation.
After the attack, the knife man left the Consulate in a vehicle, but was arrested on his return a little while later. During his arrest, the attacker denies ever having had a knife. You can watch videos of his arrest below:
The identity of this attacker raises some incredibly serious questions that may have diplomatic implications. Does this knife-wielding thug work for Turkish Consulate? Is he a Turkish diplomat?
Once again, upsetting one faith in particular has predictably resulted in violence. This is guaranteed almost anywhere on the planet now—yet our authorities seem more concerned about causing “distress” to those whose understanding of justified violence belongs in the 7th century.
We should not be enforcing laws that benefit the warped ideology of Islamofascists. In fact, we should be deporting each and every single foreign national that calls for, or commits violence in the name of Islam.
I don't care how many people are offended by the burning of a book. The bigger problem—and the one we need to confront—is the readiness with which people are willing to commit violence in response to it.
"It’s disturbing how easily two Islamofascists can be summoned in broad daylight in London,..."
Truly. It's no wonder voters are turning to the populist Right, they at least propose to do something about the problem of Islamofascism in Europe. Our politicians in the UK are so cowardly, kowtowing to Islamist thugs in a bid to avoid confrontation. But appeasing bullies is never a good long-term strategy, their greed only grows. Europe must show it's not afraid to stand up to Islamists. From 1933 to 1939 Britain and France pursued a policy of appeasement towards Hitler, until the situation was intolerable and that's when WW2 broke out. This is only the beginning of worse things to come, if we don't put a stop to it now.