How To Get Refunded By Michael Wilson For Your 'God Is Incredible' Money.
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Since February, I've been trying to get answers as to the status of - and spending of the crowd-sourced funds Michael Wilson (@GodlessAtheist) received for his planned documentary 'God Is Incredible' back in 2012.
Shortly after Michael received nearly $12,000 in crowd-sourced funds, he made a handful of sporadic updates, took a holiday to Japan, then appeared to drop off the face of the earth – going completely silent for periods of over a year until I began investigating. You can read a detailed timeline of events here.
In an update dated 19 June 2015, Wilson made some more promises, but also pledged to facilitate refunds for those who request them directly:
The 'Clip' referenced above arrived on YouTube two days later, which was nothing more than a crude trailer promising more footage 'next week'.
I think it's now fair to say this project has not been undertaken with the professionalism, sincerity and commitment promised to its funders. Given the format of the movie appears to have changed, and no indication has been given as to whether rewards will be fulfilled and no documentation has been provided to show how nearly $12,000 has been spent in over 3 years - I would urge contributors to request a refund.
To do so, send Michael Wilson an email at, stating the amount of your contribution and your INDIEGOGO funder name. Please copy me in to the email at I will monitor the refund process, ensuring it is honoured and provide any updates via this blog.
Stephen Knight is host of The #GSPodcast. You can listen to The Godless Spellchecker Podcast here, and support it by becoming a patron here.