Ep#19 - Alom Shaha
Alom Shaha, Science teacher and author of 'The Young Atheist's Handbook' joins me on The #GSpodcast. We talk the conflict between science & religion, what that pesky word 'theory' actually means, identifying as an #ExMuslim and most importantly, Alom weighs in on #BatFleck. Warning: Hearing Alom talk about his mother may cause uncontrollable blubbing. You have been warned. Also available on Stitcher and iTunes. Guest: Alom Shaha (Twitter: @AlomShaha) www.alomshaha.com Support the podcast at https://www.gspellchecker.com Become a patron at www.patreon.com/gspellchecker Relevant Links: Buy 'The Young Atheist's Handbook' From Amazon Buy 'The Young Atheist's Handbook' for Kindle Watch 'Demo: The Movie' on YouTube Article: 'Atheist Shoes Go Missing in God-Fearing US'
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