Ep#179 - Yuri Deigin - Vaccine Misinformation
This week on The Knight Tube, Stephen Knight (@Gspellchecker) welcomes Yuru Deigin. Yuri is a. He has recently been very critical of Bret Weinstein’s output on vaccinations and ‘alternative’ treatments.
Watch the video interview on YouTube: https://youtu.be/Y40R8vW6ckk
0:00 Start of Interview & about Yuri
1:04 The Lab Leak hypothesis
4:36 Incompetence or cover-up on Covid origins?
9:17 Will we ever get the truth about Covid’s origins from the CCP?
10:58 Trusting the consensus on vaccines
14:39 ‘Vaccine hesitant’ Vs ‘Anti-Vaxxer’ and vaccine efficacy/safety
19:50 What is Ivermectin?
27:53 Why is Bret Weinstein wrong on Ivermectin?
32:38 Any response from Bret Weinstein?
39:43 Publicly blaming Bret Weinstein for the death of Leslie Lawrenson
42:46 Should Covid misinformation be censored?
46:14 How do we convince the unvaccinated?
50:12 Is the anti-vax problem a predominantly American one?
52:59 The increased risks of new variants due to the unvaccinated
55:29 Do needles seem sinister at a psychological level?
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Quillette article: https://quillette.com/2021/07/06/looking-for-covid-19-miracle-drugs-we-already-have-them-theyre-called-vaccines/
Lab leak article: https://yurideigin.medium.com/lab-made-cov2-genealogy-through-the-lens-of-gain-of-function-research-f96dd7413748