Ep#106 - Tom Wilson - Extremist Groups and Counter-Terrorism
This week on The #GSPodcast Stephen Knight (@Gspellchecker) welcomes Tom Wilson, Fellow at The Henry Jackson Society. Tom specialises in counter-terrorism strategy and extremist groups. We talk about the political left, the rise of the far-right, his recent report titled 'MEND: Islamists Masquerading As Civil Libertarians'. We also touch on foreign policy, Jeremy Corbyn's links to Islamists, CAGE, re-integrating returning ISIS fighters, extremist speakers in Universities, Birmingham Trojan horse school plot, 'British Values', the Prevent strategy, Brexit and much, much more! Support the podcast at http://www.patreon.com/gspellchecker Also available on iTunes, Stitcher & YouTube. #GSPodcast Theme by Dorian Silk & The MCH
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