Christmas Podcast - Listen Now
Back in October I extended an invitation to fellow non-believers to be a guest on a ‘planned’ podcast which would focus (mostly!) on the Christmas experience. Thankfully, I received plenty of interest from people far and wide. Phew. The idea was to create something which would allow people to hear what Christmas means to other non-believers with varying cultural backgrounds, traditions and opinions. My only hope is to provide the opportunity to learn something, laugh a little and reinforce the knowledge that religion needn’t be the only reason for the season. All Episodes will be released throughout December for free via iTunes and Youtube. Click below to listen now:

Although these will remain available for free, if you do enjoy them, please consider making a contributory donation below. Your contribution will be used to supplement ongoing hosting & production costs, new equipment for further shows and possibly Scotch. Yeah. Definitely Scotch.

Click To Support This Podcast
It’s been a huge pleasure and privilege to talk to so many different and interesting people. Finding the time to juggle full-time employment, unforgiving time differences and a laborious editing process has been a challenge, but I’ve thoroughly enjoyed the experience. It’s with regret that I haven’t been able to reach out to everyone that took the time to contact me, but I’m incredibly grateful to have heard from you all the same. Podcasting is new territory for me and has been somewhat of an experiment and a learning curve. Depending on whether the support outweighs the cost of hosting, I may consider creating a new show next year. Perhaps a debate format? A fortnightly topical show? A spoken guide? Who knows? Any feedback would be appreciated.
A huge thanks to all my featured guests, and thanks for listening.
Have a great Christmas,

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