A Pointless Email Exchange
I've decided I don't blog nearly enough, so therefore will be inflicting upon you this pointless email exchange. Partly in the hope that someone may be able to discover the deep meaning hiding amongst its inanity. Consider it a challenge. I recently released a podcast on the dangers of blasphemy laws, which, for reasons that should be apparent to anyone with a pulse, spent a significant portion focused on Islam. I then received the following emails. It's worth noting that I have a particular dislike for those that use a lot of words to say precisely nothing. I'm also not a fan of new age platitudes with delusions of knowledge either. I may update with further replies should they arrive. I've changed the name to protect identity: From: Fredericka Date: 23 Jun 2014 11:20 To: Godless Spellchecker Subject: Ep. 22, July 22th 2014, ''Blasphemy'': a Comment If ''Anti Semitism'' legally exists and gets punished, then ''Anti [any other Ethnicity]'' should exist and be treated the same Way [which is the Equality needed within the so called legal System]. If ''Islamo Phobia'' exists, then any other ''[Religion or Creed or political Orientation] Phobia'' should exist, and be treated the same Way [see above mentioned Equality]. If Criticism of religious [or theist] ideological Thoughts and Doctrines [and Books] and charismatic Leaders is allowed and needed, then Criticism of any other [even atheist] ideological Thoughts and Doctrines [and Books] and charismatic Leaders should be allowed and needed. Let's talk about every Religion and political Ideology [be it theist or atheist] and criticize them all: criticize their classist, racialist/ethnicism, discriminating Tenets, and their ''slavist Mentality'' [which is based on the Creed that certain People must be priviledged and are superior than Others, and that many other People must be discriminated against and are inferior than Others]. Be fair altogether, be equanimous, that's what we [living sentient (human) Beings] need on this Planet or Earth. Inner and outer Light/Happiness, inner Goodness and outer Strength to Every1.[accordion] ====================
From: Godless Spellchecker Date: Mon, 23 Jun 2014 11:41: To: Fredericka Subject: RE: Ep. 22, July 22th 2014, ''Blasphemy'': a Comment
Does this relate to any specific point made within the episode?
I think we all agree that any set of ideas are not exempt from criticism, including those to which I subscribe.
It's just that certain ideas are more harmful than others and warrant special consideration & concern given their innate oppressive nature.
For example, the tenets of Abrahamic scripture, and at this particular period in time, Islam.
Thanks for your comments.
From: Fredericka Date: Mon, 23 Jun 2014 17:46: To: Godless Spellchecker Subject: RE: Ep. 22, July 22th 2014, ''Blasphemy'': a Comment Dear GS, thank you for your Reply. I think that ''their innate oppressive nature. For example, the tenets of Abrahamic scripture'' should be clearly stated during your Interviews, if this is what you think about the Subject, otherwise the Root or the Seed of the Problem doesn't look very clear. Again, Oppression is spread by certain economic Ideologies as well, which have a little to do with Religion or religious Tenets, but have a lot to do with the Submission or the Disrespect of human sentient Beings, and their Lifes [or the Value of their Lifes] altogether. Thank you very much for reading and inner and outer Happiness to you, us, Every1, and lightful Enlightenment. Fredericka
From: Godless Spellchecker Date: Mon, 23 Jun 2014 17:59: To: Fredericka Subject: RE: Ep. 22, July 22th 2014, ''Blasphemy'': a Comment
Again, is there any particular point I've made that any of this relates to? Which of my comments do you find 'unclear'?
Religious ideology has a lot to do with oppression. In fact, it's a demonstrable causal factor.
Certain religious doctrines, when considered divine & accepted literally can be singled out as a root cause for many heinous acts of oppression.
Yes, economic/social parameters play their part. This does not explain Islamism transcending all cultures, and corners of the planet. Islamist ideology explains it quite well however.
Thanks for your email,
From: Fredericka Date: Tue 24 Jun 2014 06:02: To: Godless Spellchecker Subject: RE: Ep. 22, July 22th 2014, ''Blasphemy'': a Comment Dear GS, thank you for your Answer. My Comments relate to the Points you've made, otherwise I wouldn't have written to you: don't you think, do you? Islamism, as any other Ideology, is dangerous. Anything which brainwashes People or brainpolluted them, is, notably when the Ideology preaches the Superiority of a certain Group versus the Inferiority of other Groups. There must be Reasons why Ideologies rise, and for a sincere Researcher it is necessary to find them out. Few Years ago I was focused, let's say, against Islamism the Way you probably are: Today I consider several other Ideologies in a critical Way, as well, because I've seen that the Damages that they bring to Humanity altogether, and to the very precious [human] Sentiency. Moreover, I analize more accurately who lies behind Criticism [and/or Ideologies as well], in order not to become an Ideologist myself. Comparative Law, Anthropology, Religion, Philosophy, ... is a Branch of Study which is very interesting and tells [us] very much. It open Minds and avoids becoming an Ideologist, in a Way or in the other. All in all the Point is not to try and fight an Ideology, becoming another Kind of Ideologist. I now send you kindest Regards and wish you inner and outer Happiness, inner Goodness and outer Strength, which I wish to myself as well and to Every. Fredericka
From: Godless Spellchecker Date: Tue, 24 Jun 2014 07:01: To: Fredericka Subject: RE: Ep. 22, July 22th 2014, ''Blasphemy'': a Comment
Yes. But you haven't said 'which' points your comments relate to.
When Islamism is the problem, it seems it's then necessary to address & criticise Islamism. I'm really not sure what you're trying to say by describing this as 'ideologist'.
The new age spiritual blessings are also not necessary on every correspondence :-)
If you can quote which of my points any of this relates to, I'll be happy to discuss further, otherwise I'll leave our discussion here.
From: Fredericka Date: Tue, 24 Jun 2014 19:36: To: Godless Spellchecker Subject: RE: Ep. 22, July 22th 2014, ''Blasphemy'': a Comment
I am a Woman, or a Female, and therefore I do not relate to Points, but to the Core of Something altogether.
[Which is appearently a tipical ''feminine'' Approach to Things; usually Points and, let's say, mathematical or mechanical Thinking are more related to the ''masculine'' Facet of us (human Beings)]. If you dislike the so called New Age's Blessings, I will try and do not use them with you: they are not New Age's Blessings, they are very foundamental Tenets for the Wellbeing of People, Communities, sentient Beings altogether. If you like to attack Islamism, you are free to do so: just know that there are People out there, me included, which considers all that I've written you about in the past Mails. Very simply: kindest Regards and truthful Thougths, good Feelings and beautiful Deeds [to give and to get] to you, us, Every1. Fredericka
From: Godless Spellchecker Date: Tue, 24 Jun 2014 19:36: To: Fredericka Subject: RE: Ep. 22, July 22th 2014, ''Blasphemy'': a Comment
It's just that 'all that you have written about in past emails' doesn't appear to have any meaning, or relate to anything specific at all.
Live long and prosper, use the force. There can be only one. We're going to need a bigger boat etc..